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Hillary’s Vast Left-Wing Corruption…Part 2 of 2


By Craig Andresen – The National Patriot and Right Side Patriots on cprworldwidemedia.net

dele 1As even more of Hillary’s emails are released by the department of State, some 7121 pages of them on Monday night, we find the hole Hillary is digging for herself getting deeper and deeper. One thing of note here…the Monday night document dump is quite telling as most often, documents the Obama regime doesn’t want front and center are released late on Friday afternoons…meaning THIS dump of documents, directly related to Hillary Clinton’s email scandal…WERE meant, by the regime, TO be front and center lending further credence to the idea that the DNC is pulling Obama’s strings as they do NOT want Hillary going too much further in the 2016 race.

More on that later.

Yesterday, in “Hillary’s Vast Left-Wing Corruption…Part 1” I put forth several possibilities for how Hillary managed to transfer classified emails and documents from secured Department of State servers to her private and unsecured servers considering all the restrictions and safeguards in place AT State.

Even if possibility number 2, as outlined yesterday, is the way all those classified documents found their way from secured servers to Hillary’s private unsecured servers could she have done it on her own? She doesn’t have the expertise to develop a work-around to get what she so desperately wanted to hide and neither do Huma Abedin or Cheryl Mills so, it seems, she needed a wildcard in the deck. In one email released Monday night, Hillary is asking how to charge her iPad and doesn’t know whether or not she has WiFi at home.

Remember the name, Bryan Pagliano…

That is one of the people my Right Side Patriots partner and friend, Diane Sori and I wrote about in our 2 part report…”Emails, Servers, Leaks, and Cover-Ups…” jusdele 2t a couple of weeks ago. He, pictured here partying with Bill and Hillary, from Platte River Networks…the IT specialists that bragged about having “connections in all the right places.”

From Part 1 of that report…”And now being used as justification for Hillary’s getting her own private server is the excuse that those briefed on the server installed for Bill Clinton claimed it was too small to handle the addition of a sitting Cabinet official, so a server that was purchased for use by Hillary Clinton’s 2008 presidential campaign was then installed at her Chappaqua home. And with that server came an additional IT specialist, Bryan Pagliano, who had worked as Hillary’s 2008 campaign’s IT director, and who after that server was installed then oh so conveniently left in 2009 to take a position with the U.S. Department of State as a Special Advisor to the Secretary of State and as an IT specialist. And while in this capacity he still managed Hillary’s private email server for about four years…being a conflict of interest perhaps…staying with the Department of State until February 2013, about the time the first email questions started surfacing, and the same time Platte River Networks came on board.”

My, oh my…meet the most likely wildcard…an IT specialist who set up Hillary’s private server in her Chdele 3appaqua home who then…ever so conveniently became Hillary’s special advisor and an IT specialist for the Department of State…a wildcard with the expertise, on orders from his boss most likely, to implement a work around to obtain the documents Hillary wanted hidden.

With all due respect to Steven Bucci, it would have taken a whole lot more than “sloppy, unprofessional procedures,” to transfer those documents from Department of State secured servers…documents marked as classified…to Hilary’s UNSECURED servers where they were NOT marked as classified and it would take someone, acting on orders, with a great deal of know-how to accomplish the deed and if he, Pagliano did that…he too has committed felonies in the process.

Further evidence of this most likely wildcard scenario comes directly from the Department of State which now says they were completely unaware of Hillary’s private, unsecured servers or, for that matter, her private email addresses and that doesn’t come from some toe-the-Hillary-line spokesperson…that revelation comes directly from the Department of State IT staff…a staff that Pagliano was an integral part of.

And why do I call Pagliano a wildcard rather than Hillary’s ace in the hole?

Because I believe Pagliano knows all the details and if, in this investigation, someone is likely to cut a deal to avoid prosecution…I believe it will be Pagliano.

In one email released Monday night, dated February 27 2010, a State IT help-desk staff member sent an email to Hillary’s address asking why those trying to send the Secretary dele 4emails were getting a “fatal error” message and she, Hillary, forwarded it to Huma Abedin who responded…“Ur [sic] email must be back up!! “They had no idea it was YOU. just some random address so they emailed. Sorry about that. But regardless, means ur [sic] email must be back!”

That tells us that not only did Hillary’s private email server go down in October 2012…it ALSO went down in February 2010 and as far as we can tell…nobody ever checked to see if those private, unsecured servers were hacked…hacked with top secret and classified documents sitting on them…I say, as far as we know, because the official Department of State IT staff didn’t even know she HAD her own servers or email addresses…only her own IT specialist and advisor…Pagliano did, and he apparently was under orders not to reveal the truth to anyone else in his department.

While Hillary says, “State Department rules allowed me to use private email and officials knew about it. I fully complied with every rule I was governed by,” but did she? The Obama regime issued what it has called, “very specific guidance” that members of the Obama administration use government email accounts to carry out official business anddele 5 White House Town Liar, Josh Earnest has said, “Hillary Clinton did not have a government account at the State Department but instead used her personal email account. That was permissible only if all emails relating to government business were turned over and archived by the State Department,” which we know, categorically, they were not as Hillary and company DELETED tens of thousands of emails and then wiped clean her private servers making any emails she has refused to turn over…unrecoverable.

Earnest continued… “Very specific guidance has been given to agencies all across the government, which is specifically that employees in the Obama administration should use their official e-mail accounts when they’re conducting official government business. However, when there are situations where personal email accounts are used, it is important for those records to be preserved, consistent with the Federal Records Act,” which clearly sates that… destroying official records can be a crime.

Uh oh Hillary…not only have you and yours violated the espionage Act of 1917dele 6…it seems you have also found yourselves on the wrong end of the Federal Records Act AND a prime directive from the Obama regime.

Naturally, liberals via social media are trying their best to downplay this criminal activity by Hillary Clinton and calling IT “nothing to see here” while calling those of us willing to point out the facts…every name in the book, but while Hillary’s super PAC…”Correct the Record,” busies itself with desperately trying to protect the candidate they’re raising money for…look who has remained silent when it comes to protecting Hillary’s pant-suited keester…the DNC.

We are now just over 5 months away from the first presidential primaries with Bernie Sanders overtaking Hillary in the key state of New Hampshire and nipping at her heels in other just as key states and no keester cover from the DNC. It would seem odd except, as I have been saying for nearly a year now…the DNC doesn’t want a Hillary nomination and while Hillary must appear before Trey Gowdy’s House Committee next month…what IS the DNC up to?

They have their House and Urban Development Secretary, one Julian Castro, out testing the campaign waters, making speeches, and it is Castro after all, that my Right Side Patriots partner and friend Diane Sori and I predict WILL jump into the race to REPLACE dele 7Hillary as the liberal/socialist presumptive nominee. Don’t take all that Joe Biden manure spreading seriously…he’s nothing but the distraction while Julian Castro creeps in from the sidelines. In fact, Castro has the same team prepping HIM that Obama had after Obama gave the keynote speech in 2004…and we all know who gave that speech in 2012…Julian Castro.

In other words…while Hillary’s ship continues to take on water like a submarine with screen doors…and she clings to the anchor of it…Castro is getting his oars wet with the DNC looking take Castro’s helm.

Liberals at large have tried the time-worn defense that all of this was just a “vast right-wing conspiracy” but Hillary herself keeps peeing on their delusional parade. First, when news of Hillary’s private email server came to light via a NY Times article…she claimed it was for “convenience” so that she wouldn’t have to struggle with more than one device and liberals naturally latched onto that lame excuse but…just a couple of months earlier, it was Hillary who BRAGGED…“I’m like two steps short of a hoarder. So I have an iPad, a mini iPad, an iPhone, and a BlackBerry,” along with the then unmentioned slew of private email accounts and a couple of private servers holding dele 8residence inside her home.

Then Hillary claimed to have copied the State Department regarding her official business but…it was the State Department which has now said THEY can find NO evidence OF Hillary copying them on matters of business.


After that…Hillary claimed she only used her PRIVATE email SOMETIMES while using her state.gov email account for most of her official communications. Wait, what? Now we know that Hillary NEVER used a state.gov account at ALL…not even once and that ALL of her official business was conducted via her PRIVATE email accounts on her PRIVATE servers.

And then there was Hillary’s claim, last March, that NO classified material was sent or received via her private servers or on her private email accounts which is not only smelly rubbish on the surface…as ALL of Hillary’s official emails WERE handled on her private, unsecured servers and accounts but…the stink goes all the way to the bottom as we now know that classified matedele 9rial WAS sent AND received on those private servers and accounts. In fact…to date…more than 450 emails containing classified, material including some that were designated TOP SECRET have been discovered wreaking from Hillary’s private servers and emails.

NOW…she is claiming that NONE of those were MARKED as classified OR top secret when she either received them or sent them and just to add a little more pee to the parade…not one but TWO Inspectors general have revealed that… the material THEY discovered — including TOP SECRET INTELLIGENCE MATERIAL— was “classified when they were sent and are classified now.”

The FBI is now investigating Platte River Networks, the company that installed, maintained and removed Hillary’s private servers from her home in Chappaqua…they’re investigating Huma Abedin…they’re investigating Cheryl Mills and they are investigating the emails themselves and with regard to Platte River networks…THEY said in an ABC News interview that “it is highly likely” that THEY have a BACK-UP copy of the servers Hillary, Huma and Mills…along with HillaDELE 10ry’s legal team…WIPED CLEAN, and if that is indeed the case…we’ll just SEE what was contained in all those DELETED emails…some 32 THOUSAND of them and should there be even a SHRED of official Department of State business contained in ANY of them…

Katie bar the door…more of Hillary’s lies will be exposed for the world to see as for each lie she tells regarding her emails and servers, there is an equal and immediate truth to follow…so much so that the hole in which she finds herself just gets deeper and deeper.

A prudent person, at the bottom of such a deep hole of deceit and corruption, would stop digging but Hillary? She just keeps asking for a bigger shovel.


TODARSP TEASEY, Wednesday, September 2nd, on CPR Worldwide Media from 2 to 4pm EST…RIGHT SIDE PATRIOTS Craig Andresen and Diane Sori will discuss the newest turn of events in the ongoing Hillary email scandal, the ‘War on Police,’ and new information about the true origins of the qur’an.

Hope you can tune in:
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